DUOGEL Magic Dust Pen, magic dust in a pencil, color no. 04

Regular price 7,95 €

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Regular price 7,95 €

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DUOGEL Magic Dust Pen, color no. 04

Magic dust in a pencil. The perfect product for creating unique creations.
Thanks to the innovative way of applying the fine magic powder, you will not spill it, you will apply it exactly where you want it.

Instructions for use:

- apply a layer of finishing gel without dispersion (DUOGEL Top Shine No-Wipe) on any colored base (black base is the best contrast);

- dry in a hybrid LED/UV lamp for at least 60 seconds;

- open the tip of the pen and rub it over the dried gel;

- to finish, you MUST apply the finishing gel without dispersion once more;


Navodila za uporabo

Navodilo za uporabo:
- na poljubno barvno podlago (črna podlaga je najboljši kontrast) nanesite sloj zaključnega gela brez disperzije (DUOGEL Top Shine No-Wipe);
- posušite v hibridni LED/UV-lučki vsaj 60 sekund;
- konico pisala odprite in podrgnite po posušenem gelu;
- za zaključek OBVEZNO še enkrat nanesite zaključni gel brez disperzije;

Items will be delivered to your address within 2-4 days. You can also choose personal collection at the branch.

Items will be delivered to your address within 2-4 days. You can also choose personal collection at the branch.
Delivery on orders over €50 is free. Over €50, the postage is €4.

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